Yes, the facilitator and the program assume participants are familiar with the core concepts of trauma’s impact and trauma-informed care.
Unit Takeaways
- Units 2 to 8 have “Takeaways” that must be completed (as well as attending units 1 to 8 via Zoom) to receive a certificate of completion.
- Please note that unit takeaways are not intended for questions. If you have a question please contact FPSS Society at 1-888-922-8437 or
- For example, what did you learn that could change the way you practice caregiving?
- Please note, this is not unit feedback for the facilitator to improve unit content and/or instruction, rather we are interested to know what you might do differently after taking part in the unit training and discussions.
Where can I find resources?
Each course unit includes resources related to that unit’s content, synchronous meeting, and additional activities. You can find the unit resources under each unit within the courses you are enrolled in on the My Courses page, in the top navigation menu.
Click the unit title link once you have found the unit you are looking for, and scroll down the page until you see the tab heading “Resources.” Here, you will find the relevant resources to meet the unit’s outcomes. You can refer back to these at any time.
The Provincial Support Agency Caregiver Learning Network Resources page also offers additional helpful resources for foster caregivers and other community members.
Where do I find my course progress, or completed units?
You can find your course progress under the My Courses link in the main menu or navigation bar at the top of the web page. This page is where you will find the courses you are enrolled in or completed, your course progress, and your final certificate.